- The Fiori Launchpad logon page loads with no images or styling elements
- In the browser console log one or more of the following errors are seen:
GET https://<FioriLaunchpadHost>/sap/public/bc/ui2/logon/themes-v1/sap_bluecrystal/library.css net::ERR_ABORTED 500 (Internal Server Error)
GET https://<FioriLaunchpadHost>/sap/public/bc/ui2/logon/login.js net::ERR_ABORTED 500 (Internal Server Error)
GET https://<FioriLaunchpadHost>/sap/public/bc/ui2/logon/img/sap_logo.png 500 (Internal Server Error)
GET https://<FioriLaunchpadHost>/sap/public/bc/ui2/logon/img/login_background.jpg 500 (Internal Server Error)
GET https://<FioriLaunchpadHost>/sap/public/bc/ui2/logon/img/favicon.ico 500 (Internal Server Error)
SAP Netweaver 7.4
SAP NetWeaver 7.4
blank empty white font plain style missing 500 internal server error logon login flp launch pad , KBA , CA-FLP-ABA , SAP Fiori Launchpad ABAP Services , Problem
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