SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2786738 - Error: Locking Object not Possible: COD_PTF_FEED_SOURCE / ROOT / UUID


You are unable to delete some business partners, even though both requirements: status Obsolete and a change date that is older than 6 days are met.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Administrator work center
  2. Click on Background Jobs
  3. Select All Failed Jobs
  4. Click on View Job Log
  5. Watch out for MDRO: ILM_OBSOLETE_BUPA_DELETION_RUN with the following error message: Action EXECUTE not possible; action is disabled, MDRO executed with error(s), Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE Job log for run ZZZ (where ZZZ is the job name)
  6. Take note of Run ID
  7. Go to Data Protection and Privacy work center
  8. Click on Common Tasks
  9. Click on Administer Data Removal Runs
  10. Search for Run ID 
  11. Note: Removal Failed is set to Yes
  12. Select the entry
  13. Click on Application Log ID 
  14. Go to tab Results
  15. Click on the arrow next to the description to see the full error message
  16. Locking object not possible: COD_PTF_FEED_SOURCE / ROOT / UUID ZZZ


The lock error is occurring due to multiple business partners being deleted at the same time, as this process occurs in parallel. During the parallel removal, it may occur that two or more runs try to acquire edit lock on some commonly used business documents. In such cases, only one of the runs can get into edit lock, while all other runs that try to acquire lock will fail with the error message Locking object not possible. So, if two business partners at any time use the same business documents, it will fail.


The suggestion for this scenario is to remove the business partners which are failing in a sequential mode. This means that you have to trigger a removal for these business partners one at a time.


Delete accounts, delete contacts, delete individual customers , KBA , AP-RC-ILM-RET , Retention Management , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions