SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2787097 - What is difference between LinkedIn and LinkedIn Limited Listing - Recruiting Posting


  • What are job posting options on LinkedIn job board in Recruiting Posting?
  • What is the difference between LinkedIn Limited Listings and LinkedIn job boards?


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting


There are two separate job boards for LinkedIn in the Job Board Marketplace: LinkedIn & LinkedIn Limited Listings. However, even if there are 2 separate job boards, the jobs will always be posted on LinkedIn website.

Postings on LinkedIn Limited Listings:

  • Do not require credentials for activation. However, you need to provide Company ID information if you want to have your jobs visible on company's LinkedIn Page.
  • Are free job postings on LinkedIn
  • Are visible to active candidates when they search for jobs on LinkedIn
  • Are listed below relevant Premium Job Slots

If the job is not published, please reach out to your job board contact in order to know the reason. One of the reasons might be that LinkedIn is retrieving the jobs from another feed and they did not make the change to retrieve your jobs from the SAP SuccessFactors LinkedIn Limited Listings feed.
Sometimes, the jobs coming from the LinkedIn Limited Listings feed are not mapped to the correct company page. The LinkedIn Limited Listings feed doesn't allow us to provide the company page ID, therefore LinkedIn is using the company name set in the feed to map it to the correct company page. If the company name doesn't correspond to the company page name, the job could be linked to the wrong company page. In such case, try to correct the company name within the posting process, if the company name is already or if it still doesn't work please contact the LinkedIn support to correct it from their side.
There is currently no limitation of the number of jobs that can be posted through LinkedIn Limited Listings, however, the job board can take the decision to select/filter the jobs that will be displayed, without notifying Recruiting Posting or the Customer. 

Postings on LinkedIn:

  • Require credentials for activation
  • Are premium Job Slots or charged job postings on LinkedIn
  • Are visible to active candidates when they search for jobs on LinkedIn
  • Are targeted to passive candidates through job recommendations across LinkedIn
  • Are listed above relevant LinkedIn Limited listings

We suggest configuring and utilizing only one LinkedIn job board for Recruiting Posting to prevent the publication of duplicate job postings on LinkedIn.

See Also

2275272 - Job Board Marketplace - Recruiting Posting

2727102 - Setting up a new job board in Recruiting Posting


Recruiting Posting, LinkedIn, Limited Listings, Premium Job Slots, Job Board Market Place , KBA , LOD-SF-RPO-JSM , Job Boards/Schools Management , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting all versions