The issue can be observed on an SAP HANA Database or on any SAP product based on SAP NetWeaver (ABAP or Java).
Even if SAP is running without issues, the result of "sapcontrol -nr $$ -function GetProcessList" shows processes in GRAY or YELLOW state.
The result of checking with command line "ps -ef | grep <process ID>" for the process ID listed in GetProcessList does not return the existing process or returns the wrong process (e.g., not an SAP process).
The issue can also be observed if SAP is stopped and the administrator is trying to start it. The start command does not take any effect (e.g., no SAP processes are created and no trace files are updated).
It can also manifest itself in other ways.
For example, an ABAP instance cannot start correctly and users get the message "Logon not possible ( Error in license check )" because the ASCSxx instance is affected by the issue and its processes are down.
- SAP HANA Database release independet
- SAP NetWeaver release independent
- Client/Server Technology – Startup Service
sapstart.log, getsysteminstancelist, -nr, -function, sapstartsrv, grey, yellow, gray, sapcontrol, Running but not responding , KBA , BC-CST-STS , Startup Service , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , Problem
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