When we try to report (using Ad Hoc) or try to change the dropdown option, instead of seeing the values or labels, you see the numeric option ID.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
Cause 1: The picklist being used for that field was changed.
Example: field X was using the picklist yesNo, which was replaced by yesNoMaybe.
The YES option for picklist yesNo will have a different option ID than the YES option for picklist yesNoMaybe.
If I create a Job Requisition using YES from yesNo picklist in the field X, and then change in the template to have in field X the yesNoMaybe picklist, when i run a report, the report will try to show the label for an optionID that does not exist in picklist yesNoMaybe.
Cause 2: The field type that was picklist was changed to type="text".
Cause 1, Resolution 1:
Revert back to the previous picklist being used and edit the picklist options required to match your needs.
Example: go back to the yesNo picklist and add the extra options required to suffice your needs
Cause 1, Resolution 2:
It is also worth checking if the Show Value ID configuration is not set as YES for the affected picklists. You may see more information on this here.
Additional remark:
Make sure the picklist you are trying to access has valid translations for the language you are operating the system.
Cause 2, Resolution:
In case that you use the same field ID in multiple templates, make sure you have this field with all the types aligned. The system creates the Data Dictionary for each Entity and not for each template, so if you have same field id in two templates using different field types, you can run into some issues.
NOTE: Changing field types is extremely not advised. Please reach out to a partner for evaluation.
See Also
2104597 - How to export and modify Picklists and re-import them - Recruiting Management
2463527 - How to edit MDF Picklist?
2218275 - How to display Option ID in picklist using Adhoc reports
picklist, option ID, Ad hoc , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , Problem