When check table from SAP system by T-code SE16, or execute some update operation on the table, the number of entries is incorrect and there is "DBSQL_SQL_ERROR" with "SQL code: 129" happened. In the indexserver trace of HANA DB, there is the following error message reported.
[xxxxx]{xxxxx}[xxx/xxxxxxxxx] xxxxxx e UdivMethods UdivLookup.cpp(00388) : SAPSR3:xxxx$delta_1$en udiv mgr lookup failed for table SAPSR3:XXXXen, can't find wTid for udiv=200578040
[xxxxx]{xxxxx}[xxx/xxxxxxxxx] xxxxxx e table_update TableUpdate.cpp(01738) : TableUpdate::execute() caught exception for table SAPSR3:XXXX, message: exception 70004532:
UdivManagerException; $WHERE$=findVisibleUdivs; $WHAT$=udiv mgr lookup failed for table SAPSR3:XXXXen, can't find wTid for udiv=200578040
, rc=4532: exception 1: no.70004532 (TrexStore/UdivListContainer.cpp:869)UdivManagerException; $WHERE$=findVisibleUdivs; $WHAT$=udiv mgr lookup failed for table SAPSR3:XXXXen, can't find wTid for udiv=200578040
- SAP HANA Platform 1.0
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition
70004532, 4532, UdivManagerException, wTid, udiv, UdivLookup , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG , SAP HANA DB Engines , Problem
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