This KBA applies to the following symptoms:
- RFQs created on the back-end system (transaction ME41) are not displayed in the Manage RFQs app.
- When trying to open an RFQ that was created in Fiori on the ME42/ME43 transactions, the following message is displayed: "Status RVK of the user interface SAPMM06E missing" or "Please enter item number interval greater than 0". Consequently, it is also not possible to edit the RFQ.
- When trying to create a purchasing document (e.g. RFQ, contract) on the back-end (or using an Advanced (WEBGUI) app) with reference to an RFQ that was created in Fiori, the following error is raised: "Reference document not an RFQ (please enter an RFQ)".
- An RFQ is created in Fiori (using the Manage/Process Purchase Requisitions or the Manage RFQs apps) as a follow-on document of a purchase requisition. When displaying the corresponding PR in ME53N transaction, the RFQ number is not displayed on the Status tab, although the PR status is 'RFQ created'.
- Materials Management (MM)
- SAP Fiori
- SAP S/4HANA (all versions)
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition (all versions)
MM-FIO, RFQ, 264, 00264, Status, RAK, of, the, user, interface, SAPMM06E, missing, manage, RFQs, ME43, ME42, display, change, please, enter, item, number, interval, greater, than, 0, 06126, 06 126, 00264, 00 264, back-end, front-end, reference, document, not, an, please enter an RFQ, 06085, 06 085, 06, 085, status, tab, process, flow, created, backend, frontend, contract, ME31K, advanced, ME21N, quotation, , KBA , MM-FIO-PUR-RFQ , Fiori UI for RFQ/Quotation , MM-PUR-REQ , Purchase Requisitions , MM-PUR-RFQ , RFQ/Quotation , MM-FIO-PUR-REQ-SOC , Fiori UI for Sourcing Purchase Requisitions , MM-PUR-OA-CON , Contract , Problem
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