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2788149 - Not possible to use RFQs created in Fiori on the back-end system - SAP S/4HANA


This KBA applies to the following symptoms: 

  1. RFQs created on the back-end system (transaction ME41) are not displayed in the Manage RFQs app.

  2. When trying to open an RFQ that was created in Fiori on the ME42/ME43 transactions, the following message is displayed: "Status RVK of the user interface SAPMM06E missing" or "Please enter item number interval greater than 0". Consequently, it is also not possible to edit the RFQ.

  3. When trying to create a purchasing document (e.g. RFQ, contract) on the back-end (or using an Advanced (WEBGUI) app) with reference to an RFQ that was created in Fiori, the following error is raised: "Reference document not an RFQ (please enter an RFQ)".

  4. An RFQ is created in Fiori (using the Manage/Process Purchase Requisitions or the Manage RFQs apps) as a follow-on document of a purchase requisition. When displaying the corresponding PR in ME53N transaction, the RFQ number is not displayed on the Status tab, although the PR status is 'RFQ created'.



  • Materials Management (MM)
  • SAP Fiori
  • SAP S/4HANA (all versions)
  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition (all versions)


SAP Fiori all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions


MM-FIO, RFQ, 264, 00264, Status, RAK, of, the, user, interface, SAPMM06E, missing, manage, RFQs, ME43, ME42, display, change, please, enter, item, number, interval, greater, than, 0, 06126, 06 126, 00264, 00 264, back-end, front-end, reference, document, not, an, please enter an RFQ, 06085, 06 085, 06, 085, status, tab, process, flow, created, backend, frontend, contract, ME31K, advanced, ME21N, quotation, , KBA , MM-FIO-PUR-RFQ , Fiori UI for RFQ/Quotation , MM-PUR-REQ , Purchase Requisitions , MM-PUR-RFQ , RFQ/Quotation , MM-FIO-PUR-REQ-SOC , Fiori UI for Sourcing Purchase Requisitions , MM-PUR-OA-CON , Contract , Problem

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