You are using S/4HANA Output Control output determination logic.
You set up rules in transaction OPD to determined an output record whose dispatch time is 1-immedate in a purchasing document which uses BRF+ technology. This would mean that immediately at the document's saving/approving the output determined and processed too (sending data to vendor).
The status of the output message is "completed" , but in SP01 at the spool you see error "frontend unavailable".
You also notice that for example at a purchase order's case, if you set the dispatch time to 2-scheduled, then you can print manually via ME9ff a similar case.
- Materials Management (MM)
BRF+, BRFPlus, BRF Plus, OPD, front end unavailable, SP01, spool, failed, error, printing, nachricht, me21n, me22n, me31l, me32l, me31k, me32k, completed, APOD_D_OR_ITEM, , KBA , MM-PUR-GF-OC , Message determination and printing , How To
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