SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2788224 - Error While Migrating the Open Sales Orders


Your requirement is to migrate Sales Orders using the migration tool. During the simulation you receive the below error:

Action Release not possible; action is disabled
Save not possible; document is inconsistent


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Business Configuration work center
  2. Select Implementation Projects view or Overview
  3. Search and Open the activity Migration of Open Sales Orders
  4. Choose Migrate open sales orders using the migration tool
  5. Execute Migration for the respective Migration File with migration mode Add new records
  6. In the Simulation step, you receive the mentioned error


Products used in the migration file does not have a Net Value maintained, the Net Value is 0 and the Product is not maintained in a Price List that is valid for the Sales Order. Therefore, the price calculation fails, the document becomes inconsistent and cannot be released.

Please note:

When the value "0.00" is maintained in the Net Value field in Excel Migration Template for Open Sales Orders,  the system ignores the value as 0/No Value due to a technical limitationa.

If you want the Product to have a List Price of 0,00 you will need to maintain the Product in a Price List with 0,00.


Either maintain List Price in the Price List or maintain a Net Value in migration template and proceed with migration.


Net Value, Sales Order, Open Sales Order, List Price, Pricing, Action Release not possible , KBA , action release not possible , pricing , sales order , open sales order , net value , list price , SRD-CC-MIG-DMC , Migration: Tool , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions