When running an XSC job (.xsjob) that calls a stored procedure to start a task-type flowgraph, if the user that executes the .xsjob is different from the user that created the stored procedure & flowgraph, an error arises:
- InternalError: dberror(CallableStatement.execute): 686 - start task error: "<Schema>"."<Job name>"
- [2620] executor: plan operation failed;Error executing "UPSERT "<SCHEMA>"."<TABLE>" ( <table column names> ) SELECT <table column names> FROM "<SCHEMA>"."_SYS_CE__popid_4_*"": insufficient privilege: Not authorized
- SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
- SAP HANA Extended Application Services (XSC)
SAP HANA smart data integration all versions
KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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