From 1902 release, you are able to mass change the employee responsible in the created opportunities.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
From 1902 release, the system supports mass change party roles in opportunities, including employee responsible.
Go to the New Business work center.
Go to the Opportunties view.
Select one or more opportunities, click button Action - Assign Party.
In the Select Party screen, you can choose the party role you want to change and the new vlaue of the role. For example, choose Employee Responsible role, and choose employee XYZ as the new value. Click OK button, the change is executed. (XYZ represents the new employee name)
Open the opportunity you used, in Involvied Parties - Sales Team tab, you can see the employee responsible right now is XYZ.
Please note that the change will only be executed if the Forbid Manual Changes indicator for the respective Party Role is not active in the Business Configuration.
You can check this as follows:
- Go to the Business Configruation work center.
- Select the Implementation Projects view.
- Select your implementation project and click on the Open Activity List button.
- Navigate to the Fine Tune step
- Open the fine tuning activity Opportunities
- Click on the Maintain Involved Parties hyperlink
- Select the respective Party Role e.g. Employee Responsible
- The Forbid Manual Changes indicator should not be active.
See Also
Opportunties; Mass Change; Party Role; Re-Assignment; Mass Re-Assignment; Opportunity , KBA , SRD-CRM-OPP , Opportunities , How To
SAP Business ByDesign 1902 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1905 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1908