SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2789153 - How to Schedule Change Audit Report and Access It


  • You can now schedule the generation of change audit reports.
  • You can define the type of audit report you want to schedule, the frequency of report generation, and where you want the completed report to be made available - in your SFTP folder or on the Change Audit page.

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SAP SuccessFactors HCM


You can now schedule the generation of change audit reports. Define the type of audit, the frequency, and where you want the completed report to be made available - in your SFTP folder or on the Change Audit page.


  • Permission should be enabled to generate the change audit reports. 

Steps: Admin Center > Manage Permission Roles > Select the permission > Select the Permission... link > Under the Administrator Permissions section, select Admin Center Permissions > Select Generate Change Audit Reports (Permission to grant access to change audit report generation page) > Done > Save Changes

Note: The 2 permissions listed below should be enabled to view and edit the configuration.

  • View Change Audit Configuration (Permission to view status of the change audit settings)
  • Edit Change Audit Configuration (Permission to enable and disable change audit settings)


  • Ensure Change Audit is enabled.

Steps: Admin Center > Manage Audit Configuration > Turn ON Change Audit (Personal Data Audit and General Audit) > Save

How to Schedule Change Audit Reports:  

Note: For demo purposes, steps have been reported for generating one generic report and the same steps need to be followed for other reports as well. 

Please follow the below steps to schedule and generate the change audit reports:

  1. Go to Admin Center > Change Audit Reports

  2. Select one of the options to create a report (Create Personal Data Report, Create Configuration Data Report or Create Business Data Report)

  3. Select one of the reports under the option selected (for our example, we will use Create Configuration Data Report > Role Based Permissions)
  4. Enter the time range (from 2H 2024 release on, maximum of 31 days per report submission instead of 30 days) and respect the audit data availability 72 hours after the change; Time Range end needs to respect 72 hours

    • For recurrent reports, the dates you select on Time Range apply to the first occurrence of the report only and in each recurrence, the dates will be adjusted accordingly.

    • For example, if you set up Time Range as April 1 to April 7 with a weekly recurrence starting on April 15, the second occurrence will run on April 22nd with time range April 8th to April 14th, and so on.
  5. Submit the report and you can download it from the Access Reports section

  6. For Recurrence, select the ON button for the Recurrence field
    • The exact dates you select as on time range apply to the first occurrence of the report only. In each recurrence, the dates will be adjusted accordingly.
    • For example, if you set up Time Range as April 1 to April 7 with a weekly recurrence starting on April 15, the second occurrence will run on April 22nd with time range April 8th to April 14th, and so on.
    • ChangeAudit_1905_1.png
  7. Once you turn ON the Recurrence, fill in the details for Destination and Report Occurrence:
  • Destination:
    • For Schedule Name: Enter the Report Name per your requirement
    • For Method: Select Offline/Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). If you select offline, the report is available on the Change Audit Reports page (Access Reports tab).
  • Report Occurrence:
    • Recurring Pattern: Select Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly. If you select weekly, you can select days like Sunday, Monday...
    • Enter the Start and End date along with time.
    • ChangeAudit_1905_2.png
  • Click on Submit and access reports in the Access Reports Section.

How to schedule Reports in Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP):

  1. Select Method of report as SFTP (at Step 4)
  2. Enter the host address of SFTP and port number should be 22. You can find SFTP Public IP Addresses and URLs for Data Centres in this KBA: 2250792 - SFTP Public IP Addresses and URL's for Data Centres
  3. Enter the FTP login and Password. Perform the test connection and permission to check the FTP login is successful.
  4. Enter the File Path (Folder in SFTP where audit reports need to be generated)
  5. Select the Recurring Pattern > Enter Start and End time > Submit 


  6. You can view schedules under View Schedules

    ChangeAudit_1905__view schedules_all.png
  7. You can also check the report status by clicking on the status icon or delete the schedules by clicking on the Trash icon.


See Also

Check here for more information on enabling and using change audit reporting for general audit purposes.

Enhancements to Change Audit and Read Audit


CRF-17444, Change Audit, Scheduled Audit Reports, download change audit report, PLA-45420 , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-AUDR , Request Audit Report (Not Change Audit) , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions