Gap analysis is reporting an opposite result from actual scores - ie. saying the rating is lower than the managers when it is actually higher.
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
SAP SuccessFactors Performance Management
Reproducing the Issue
- Employee's rating in Self Assessment are 4.0, 3.0, 3.0
- Manager's rating in Manager Assessment are 5.0, 4.0, 2.0
- Click Gap Analysis Pod to show gap details bewteen manager's rating and employee's rating
- Looking at the gap analysis pod, it is showing that there is only 1 higher rating but 2 lower ratings provided by manager than employee's rating.
As expected result, Gap Analysis pod should display 2 over 1 (2 higher ratings and only 1 lower rating).
It is expected behavior that gap analysis pod will display in reversed results if section in the form template is configured with reverse scale type of rating scale.
For Customers:
In checking rating scale type, this can be done only via XML but not available in Manage Templates.
- Go to Admin Center > Performance Management > Form Template Settings
- Search for the form template e.g. 2019 Performance Review
- Select and Open the template
- Then, click 'Download Form Template'
- Open .xml file
- In the open file, press ctrl + F (search for this attribute 'reverse-scale')
- If the value of the attribute shows to be 'TRUE', it means that the form is using reverse scale.
Note: You can only check the atrributes and values but for any modifications in the template, please contact partner or SCR for configuration to avoid misconfiguration or corruption of the template.
As a customer, you do not have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact your Implementation Partner. If you are no longer working with an Implementation Partner, contact SAP Cloud Support.
For Partner or Support Only:
- Check configuration of the performance form template in Provisioning > Form Template Adminstration
- Check per section if the value for reverse-scale attribute is equals to true
<fm-sect-scale show-value="false" reverse-scale="true">
<scale-id><![CDATA[Performance Scale]]></scale-id>
Sample Illustration using Reverse Scale - Manager's Rating VS Employee's Rating
Remarks: 2 ratings from manager are actually lower and only 1 rating higher than employee's rating because rating 5.0 is lower than 4.0 while 2.0 is higher than 3.0 in reverse scale. Hence, rating values will be flipped over (i.e. 5 will be the lowest , 1 will be the highest) as expected behavior if confirmed that reverse scale is TRUE.
See Also
2088787 - Reverse Rating Scale - reverse-scale="true" - Performance Management
SuccessFacotors, SF, PM, form, performance, reverse scale, gap analysis, pod, gap, rating scale, gap analysis pod, scale , KBA , csg_q , LOD-SF-PM-FRM , Forms & Templates , LOD-SF-PM-POD , Home Page, Pods and Portlets, To Do List , LOD-SF-PM-RAT , Ratings and Weights , Problem