1. Snapshot operator job fails with an error like below:
The scheduled procedure finished with status "Error"
The responsible application component for this job is: SCM-IBP-OPR-SNP
Job XXXX execution ended with the status in error.
Job finished with status "Failed".
2. Snapshot operator job fails with an error - maximum number of rows per table or partition reached.
3. Snapshot operator job is success, but the values copied to the snapshot key figures does not match with the Input Key Figure.
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SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain (SCM-IBP)
Snapshot operator Error, Snapshot fail, SCM-IBP-OPR-SNP, Snapshot Job, Unexpected Result, UOMCONVERSIONFACTOR, CURRENCY, UOM,CURR, IBP, Integrates Business Planning, Out of Memory, maximum number of rows per table or partition reached, Snapshot Key Figure, Failure, The scheduled procedure finished with status "Error", Snapshot Value Mismatch , KBA , SCM-IBP-OPR-SNP , Snapshot Operator , SCM-IBP-JOB , Job Scheduling , Problem
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