You are using features "Characteristic As a Key Figure" and "New Master Data Planning".
When using BICS based clients, such as AO and Lumira, you cannot save new values. You get error message "Data cell <YourCell> has no master data for "<YourValue>" or you do not have authorizations.".
The error message does not show up for values, which already exist. E.g. you can save a value in RSRT ABAP BICS and remove it afterwards again. Then you can save this value in e.g. Lumira.
" or you do not have authorizations.">
Lumira 2.X
1KYF_ , KBA , BI-LUM-COR , Core: components, sdk, prompts, filters, etc. , BW-PLA-IP-PQ , Planquery / manual planning , BI-LUM-DER , Lumira Designer , EPM-BPC-BW4-PLA-PQ , BPC/4 - Planquery/manual planning , Problem
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