- Unable to run the replication task, which is using ABAPAdapter remote source.
- The job log of the source system contains the error:
- Step 001 started (program /BODS/RPT_STREAM_READ_TABLE, variant <*>, ABAPAdapter | TableLoaderABAPTable.getNextRowDataInternal
The destination <*> has not been maintained! (see long text) ABAPAdapter | TableLoaderABAPTable.getNextRowDataInternal
Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE - Step 001 started (program /SAPDS/RPT_STREAM_READ_TABLE, variant <*>, user <username>
Destination <*> not defined (see long text)
Job canceled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE - The framework trace may contain the error:
- DPFramework | AsyncHandler.processStreamingExecuteStatement [] - AH(*): Exception while processing request "SDA Response for ABAPAdapter of type SUCCESS_MSG responding to FEDERATION_GET_NEXT"
- DPFramework | AsyncHandler.processStreamingExecuteStatement [] - AH(*): Receive data timeout expired. The timeout value is 600000 seconds, and it is set using 'Batch receive timeout' remote source property. Context: Receive data timeout expired. The timeout value is 600000 seconds, and it is set using 'Batch receive timeout' remote source property.
SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0
DP Agent, SDI, replication task, ABAPAdapter, remote table, Datasphere, DS, DWC , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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