You received an email channel ticket in C4C and then use the function "Move to Exsiting Ticket" to move this email to another ticket. However, after moving this email, the Subject of this email is changed.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Service work center.
Go to Tickets work center view.
Open the ticket AAA which is created by an email channel. (AAA represents the tiket ID)
Go to Ineractions facet and find the email.
Click 'Move to Existing Ticket' to move it to another ticket BBB. (BBB represents the tiket ID)
Then you found in ticket BBB, the subject of this email is changed.
Following is the current logic of Subject change when move an email to another ticket:
- If subject pattern is as ' [ xxxxxx ] aaaaaa ', on triggering Move to Existing Ticket, subject is trimmed to ' aaaaaa ', which means the part of [xxxxxx] is removed. The reason is that application considers the ticket number to be in ' [ ] ' and hence considers anything before ' ] ' to be the ticket number and omits this.
- If the subject is normal without any ' [ ' or ' ] ' then as per the current logic the entire subject is cleared out and the determination in the Activity BO kicks in which default the subject to ' Email - <Customer Name (B2B)> '. Note this happens in case of B2B scenario only.
This is also observed in case of 'Split to new ticket' action also.
From 1908 version, the logic has been upgraded with following logic:
Pattern 1: [ Ticket : xxxxxx ] Subject
If valid ticket No. exists in the first '[]', then the entire block including '[]' will be removed, else no change to the subeject. (any numeric/alphanumeric value is considered as valid ticket No. And the whole part inside of [ ] including the brackets will be removed.)
Note: If multiple ' [ ] ' exists in the subject, the first set will be considered for processing.
Pattern 2: xxxxxx - Subject
Application checks for ' - ' in the email subject. If valid ticket No. presents before '-', the part preceding ' - ' including the symbol will be removed, else no change to the subject. (Valid ticket number in this pattern has to be strictly numeric.)
Note: If subject contains the correct ticket no. in the form of pattern 1 along with pattern 2, then sub-string pertaining to pattern 1 will be removed. (inconsistent data)
In both the cases if the ticket number is not valid, the email subject will not be altered.
See Also
Related KBA 2775829
Ticket, Email Subject, Change , KBA , LOD-CRM-SC-EML , Email , Product Enhancement