An employee old manager cannot provide ratings/evalution to his PM form even though the Manager Transfer has been done using Change Engine to keep the forms with the old manager.
SAP SucessFactors Performance Management
Reproducing the Issue
- Turn on Change Engine settings in Admin Center to keep the forms with the old manager;
- On Admin Center > Manage Users change the employee manager of an employee;
- On the Document Transfer question click ‘No Do not Re-Route documents’ if the PM form is in the Old Manager inbox already;
- Go to the Old Manager PM inbox;
- Open the employee PM form;
- The old manager name is still there but it can not provide ratings anymore;
- You have clicked "Ok" on the Document Transfer question, so it re-routed the employee's PM form to the New Manager
- Change Engine wasn't turned on at the moment you did the manager transfer
To allow the Old Manager to keep the ratings permission into the employees form even after setting a New Manager to the employee, please follow the steps below:
- Go to Admin Center > Configure Change Engine and disable the 2 change engine options (Keep forms with old manager and Send copy of old form to new manager on completion);
- On the Admin Center > Manage Users change the employee manager from his new manager to the old manager who should be able to evaluate his PM form;
- When you're defining a New Manager name, there will be a document transfer question where you have 2 options:
- Clicking ‘OK’ if the PM form is in the New Manager inbox;
- Clicking ‘No Do not Re-Route documents’ if the PM form is in the Old Manager inbox already;
- Once that is done the PM form will change the manager only for its future steps, not in its current step;
- To make the Old Manager able to provide ratings you need to route the form backward 1 step and then forward it 1 step;
- Once the routing is done the Old Manager will receive the PM form on his PM inbox and will be able to rate;
- Now you can Enable the Change Engine again (Admin Center > Configure Change Engine), enabling the 2 options you have disabled on the Step 1;
- Then go to Manager Users once again and set the employee manager from the Old Manager to the New Manager;
- On the document transfer question, click “No Do not Re-Route documents” because you want to keep the PM forms with the old manager.
See Also
old manager, new manager, change engine, manager transfer, evaluate, ratings , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-MAP , Routing, Route Maps & Workflows , Problem
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