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2792497 - Work process trace in ST11 is different from same trace at OS level


When opening a work process trace file (dev_w*) in the transaction ST11, the below error messages are shown inside the file:

N *** ERROR => Ticket validation failed with rc = 5 and ssf_rc = 27. [ssoxxkrn.c 968]
N *** ERROR => HMskiCheckValidity failed. [ssoxxkrn.c 1055]
N *** ERROR => HMskiCheckValidity failed. [ssoxxkrn.c 1055]
N *** ERROR => HMskiCheckValidity failed. [ssoxxkrn.c 1055]
N *** ERROR => HMskiCheckValidity failed. [ssoxxkrn.c 1055]
M *** ERROR => invalid ICT msg object = * [ictxxabap.c 2720]
M *** ERROR => invalid ICT msg object = * [ictxxabap.c 2720]
M *** ERROR => invalid ICT msg object = * [ictxxabap.c 2720]
W *** ERROR => autom: GetDataAsFormat failed [thSos.c 849]
N *** ERROR => SsfVerify failed (see note 1055856). [ssoxxsgn.c 152]
N *** ERROR => ValidateTicket failed with rc = 5 and ssf_rc = 27. [ssoxxapi.c 249]
N *** ERROR => Ticket validation failed with rc = 5 and ssf_rc = 27. [ssoxxkrn.c 968]
N *** ERROR => SsfVerify failed (see note 1055856). [ssoxxsgn.c 152]
N *** ERROR => ValidateTicket failed with rc = 5 and ssf_rc = 27. [ssoxxapi.c 249]
N *** ERROR => Ticket validation failed with rc = 5 and ssf_rc = 27. [ssoxxkrn.c 968]
M *** ERROR => invalid ICT msg object = * [ictxxabap.c 2720]
M *** ERROR => invalid ICT msg object = * [ictxxabap.c 2720]
M *** ERROR => invalid ICT msg object = * [ictxxabap.c 2720]
N *** ERROR => SsfVerify failed (see note 1055856). [ssoxxsgn.c 152]
N *** ERROR => ValidateTicket failed with rc = 5 and ssf_rc = 27. [ssoxxapi.c 249]
N *** ERROR => Ticket validation failed with rc = 5 and ssf_rc = 27. [ssoxxkrn.c 968]

However, when opening the same file in Operating System level with any text editor, the entire content of the file is shown.



  • Operating system independent
  • Database independent
  • SAP NetWeaver
  • SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
  • ABAP Platform


ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA all versions


ValidateTicket failed with rc, Ticket validation failed with rc, SsfVerify failed, invalid ICT msg object = (nil), work process trace file, dev_w*, ST11, SM50, trace level, text editor, HMskiCheckValidity , KBA , BC-CST-LL , Low Level Layers , Problem

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