- You are starting HANA. During the startup, it fails and you find a crashdump in the daemon process with name similar to daemon.crashdump.044766.trc. Upon checking the crashdump file, you observe the [CRASH_STACK] session have the following content:
[CRASH_STACK] Stacktrace of crash: (no-section-time-available)
----> Pending exceptions (possible root cause) <----
exception 1: no.1000000 (MultiDB/impl/MultiDBConfiguration.cpp:392)
hdbmdcdispatcher has wrong permissions /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB00/exe/mdc/hdbmdcdispatcher 33128 != 04550; $condition$=(info.st_mode & 07557) == 04550
NO exception throw location recorded. Stack generation system error.
Unknown pending exception
Throw location of the exception unknown
- SAP HANA is running with the following configuration:
- Multitenant Database Containers is used (mode = multidb);
- Database Isolation Level is set to High (database_isolation = high);
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition
daemon, hdbdaemon, hdbmdcdispatcher, mdc, database isolation, restart fails, hana crash, crashes, crashed, SIGABRT , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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