When the offline_db_collation is set to utf8bin an Offline OData $filter query with toLower doesn't work with German umlauts, that is the characters with umlauts are returned as capital letters, despite the toLower option should return with the lowercase version of the given letter(s).
- SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) SDK 3.0/3.1
- SAP UltraLite Database (UL/ UDB)
umlaut, Ä, Ü, É, ß, Ö, tolower(), toupper(), case sensitive, sensitivity, lower case, upper case, capital, letters, startswith, substringof, contains , KBA , MOB-SDK-OOD , SAP Mobile SDK Offline OData Client , BC-SYB-SQA-UL , SQL Anywhere - UltraLite , Problem
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