The correspondent business scenario, from the technical point of view, requires a Lumira Designer Application to be built. Bookmarking capability is usuallly part of the Lumira Designer applications.
If the User that has created the Bookmarks, has been deleted and/or lost all its permissions, the correspondent bookmarks cannot be found in bookmark manager, or by using getAll(); method on the Bookmark technical component, only a subset of the Bookmarks returned.
Lumira Designer 2.x
SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio 1.x
"Enterprise alias", "bookmark", delete, "update", "upgrade" , KBA , BI-LUM-FRA , Framework : bookmarking, export, layouting, etc. , BI-LUM-COR , Core: components, sdk, prompts, filters, etc. , BI-LUM-DER , Lumira Designer , How To
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