The correspondent business scenario, from the technical point of view, requires a Lumira Designer Application to be built. Bookmarking capability is usuallly part of the Lumira Designer applications.
After upgrading to Lumira Designer 2.1 SP2 PL0, Bookmarks that are saved in older Applications, cannot be found in bookmark manager, or by using getAll(); method on the Bookmark technical component, only a subset of the Bookmarks returned.
Lumira Designer 2.x
"BOOKMARK_COMPONENT_IDENTIFIER", "update", "upgrade", "getAll" , KBA , BI-LUM-FRA , Framework : bookmarking, export, layouting, etc. , BI-LUM-COR , Core: components, sdk, prompts, filters, etc. , BI-LUM-DER , Lumira Designer , How To
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