SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2794701 - Calculated Extension Field Not Working Properly


You have created a new extension field with the option has Calculation enabled and configured it, but the field is not providing the desired calculation result.


SAP Cloud for Customer


The calculation rules have not been configured properly


When you have set up an extension field with calculation, there are rules that must be followed for it to work as expected. Below are some tips you can use to solve related issues.

  •  When you're creating a new Extension Field you have to select the type of field and not all types of fields will enable calculation. The types you can use calculation are: Amount, Decimal Number, Quantity and Text.
  •  A calculation rule consists of three basic inputs:

       Field 1: Is the field which will provide the first value to be used in the calculation.

       Field 2: Is where you select the operator for the calculation (e.g. / to divide, & to concatenate text, * to multiply, etc.).

       Field 3: Is the field which will provide the second value to be used in the calculation.

Important Note: You can only use the values available in the dropdowns of the calculation rule set up. Even though the application allows you to manually type values on these fields, they won't work.

       Tip: You can create additional extension fields of the same type you're using to store desired values for the mathematical equations or text concatenation. Example scenario: You want to divide the value of decimal field X by 5. You can create a new decimal extension field and let it have 5 as its default value and use it in the Field 3 of the calculation settings.

  •  The fields available to be used in the calculation rule set up will vary depending on the business object (e.g. Contacts, Opportunities, Customers etc.) you're working with.


Extension field, calculation rule, Calculated extension field, Operands , KBA , AP-RC-UIF-FLX , Page Layout & Key User Configuration , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions