- A form is sent to a user using either Get Feedback or Add Modifier and the form permissions are different than in other steps.
- The user can view or edit form items (sections, fields, ratings, comments...) which should be hidden/read-only
- The user can't see and/or edit form items which they should have access to
- The user can't edit ratings
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
SAP SuccessFactors Performance Management
Reproducing the Issue
- Using Get Feedback or Add Modifier
- Manager A (current manager) sends an employee's form to a Manager B (previous manager) for input.
- Manager B receives the form; however, they cannot see some of the sections/fields or they cannot enter ratings/comments.
- Form permissions are based on hierarchical relationships to the form's subject (employee). The user receiving the form likely does not have a relationship to the form subject or has a different relationship which is not defined in the form permissions.
- When defining form permissions, the “Roles” and “Route Steps” will determine who the permissions will be applied to and when they will be applied.
- Roles can be configured to apply to specific roles (Employee, Manager, Matrix Manager, HR Rep., Select All, Custom...), or "All".
- Permissions for specific roles will only apply to those roles if the user viewing the form currently fulfills that role e.g., permissions configured for the manager will only apply to the current manager.
- Permissions configured for “All” roles (* in the template XML) will apply to all users regardless of their relationship or lack of relationship to the subject.
- Route Steps can be configured for specific route map steps or “All”
- Permissions defined for specific steps will only apply while the form is in that step.
- Note: “Selected > Select All” only includes in the steps listed and does not apply to completed forms.
- Permission defined for “All” route steps (* in the template XML) will apply to all steps including when the form is completed.
- Note: Differences between Get Feedback and Add Modifier relating to route map steps.
- When Get Feedback is used to send the form to a user, the form remains in the same route map step. Permissions defined for specific steps will still apply.
- When Add Modifier is used to add a user to the route map, a new route map step is added. The new step does not have a step ID so no permissions defined for specific steps will apply.
- Keep in mind that form permissions are applied “top-down”; if permissions conflict, the last permission will be used.
- Some form configurations apply to specific roles.
- For example, when using Rating Option 3, only the manager can enter the official rating and only the employee can enter the unofficial rating. No other users will be able to edit the ratings.
- In the example above, the section is Hidden for All roles in All route steps by the first permission. The section is Enabled for the Manager in the Manager Assessment route step by the second permission.
- If a form with the above configuration were in the Manager Assessment step and the manager used Get Feedback or Add Modifier to send the form to the subject's previous manager.
- The section would be hidden because of the first permission, the second permission only applies to the subject's current manager.
- Additionally, if Add Modifier is used, the added route step would not have a step ID so no Route Step specific permissions would apply
- The form permissions will need to account for users outside the route map and user hierarchy.
- If you want to restrict access to fields and/or sections when using Get Feedback or Add Modifier, you will need to first add the restriction to All roles in any route map steps where Get Feedback or Add Modifier may be used. Then grant the appropriate permissions back to the appropriate roles.
- To make sure form items are available to users when using Get Feedback or Add Modifier...
- Only restrict permissions for specific roles/route steps where possible
- For items where it is necessary to restrict the permissions for All Role in All Route Steps, grant the appropriate permissions back for All Roles in the Route Step where Get Feedback or Add Modifier may be used
- In the example above, the section is Hidden for All Roles in All Route Steps by the first permission. The section is Enabled for All Roles in the Manager Assessment route step by the second permission.
- If a form with the above configuration were in the Manager Assessment step and the manager used Get Feedback to send the form to the subject's previous manager.
- The section would be visible because; the section is Hidden from All Roles in All Route Steps by the first permission, however the second permission Enables the section for All Roles during the Manager Assessment step. When using Get Feedback, the form remains in the same route map step so step-specific permissions apply.
- If a form with the above configuration were in the Manager Assessment step and the manager used Add Modifier to send the form to the subject's previous manager.
- The section would be hidden because; the section is Hidden from All Roles in All Route Steps by the first permission and the second permission only appliess to the Manager Assessment step. Add Modifier adds a new route map step so step-specific permissions do not apply.
See Also
- KBA 2682140 - Ratings and Comments Not Displayed in Completed Form
- Implementing and Managing Performance Management - Add Modifier
- Implementing and Managing Performance Management - Get Feedback
GetFeedback, Form, Ratings, Comments, Not Visible, Field Permission, Section Permission, rating not visible, section not visible, role, performance management , KBA , csg_q , LOD-SF-PM-FBK , Feedback: Get Feedback, Ask for Feedback, etc. , LOD-SF-PM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , LOD-SF-PM-FF , Form Features, RTE, Spell Check, Legal Scan, Print , LOD-SF-PM-MAP , Routing, Route Maps & Workflows , How To