Currently the system sorts absence requests on the Time Recrods tab by the start date of the leave request.
However, if there are several requests with the same start date (approved / cancelled status) the system does not have a sorting logic.
Employee Central, Time Off
It is planned for the 1908 release that the requests will be sortedfirst by start and end date of the request, and then by the "CreatedOn" and Time in hh:mm.
Start Date End Date Created On
01May19 01May19 15Apr19 02:20:14
01May19 02May19 15Apr19 05:34:30
03May19 05May19 17Apr19 16:32:00
05 Jun19 05Jun 19 18Apr19 13:00:23
TIM-9041, sorting on workbench, leave request order , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , Problem