- Promotion history shows failed after triggering an import from CTS+ configuration.
- Only one repository cannot import this export successfully. All other repositories in the landscape can import it successfully.
- Check the error log in Promotion History and it comes up blank with no error.
- Trying to manually import the .atl file export directly into Designer in the repository that is failing causes an error that is popped in the inteface.
- Error received in Designer interface is:
- Cannot save <Function Definition> <acta_datastore.ACTA.acta_owner.customfunctionname> into the repository. Additional database information: <SQL Submitted to database xxx> resulted in error <[SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB DLL][HDBODBC] Integrity constraint violation;301 unique constraint violated: Table(AL_FUNCINFO), Index(AL_FUNCINFO_INDX1)>. The SQL Submitted is <INSERT INTO "AL_FUNCINFO"("OBJECT_KEY", "VERSION", "NAME", "OWNER", "SOURCE", "DATASTORE", "FUNC_DBNAME", "FUNC_TYPE", "RETURN_DATATYPE", "FUNC_DBNAME", "FUNC_TYPE", "RETURN_DATATYPE", "RTRN_DATATYP_SIZE", "RETURN_PARAM_DEP", "RETURN_NULLABLE", "HAS_TEXT", "SHOULD_VALIDATE", "NORMNAME", "STATE", "CHECKOUT_DT", "CHECKOUT_REPO", "CHECKIN_DT", "CHECKIN_REPO", "COMMENTS", "SEC_USER", "SEC_USER_COUT") VALUES (specific_values).>.>
SAP Data Services
SAP Data Services 4.2
KBA , EIM-DS-SAP , SAP Interfaces , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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