Mapping the EC to ERP field payComponentCategory and you are facing some difficulties according below:
- The SFAPI CompoundEmployee has the field payComponentCategory available in the response payload.
- In the OData API we do not have this field available in any navigation – confirmed with engineering team.
- What is the recommendation to map the fields BETRG and ANZHL in BIB according to situation of NUMBER or AMOUNT?
- Is it possible to this in configuration or it will be required a customer development for that?
Find below one SFAPI CompoundEmployee response data sample:
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central integration to SAP Business Suite
Employee Master data replication
Business Integration Builder (BIB)
Recurring Deduction, infotype 0014, IT 14, EC to ERP field payComponentCategory, SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Integration to SAP Business Suite, BIB, fields BETRG and ANZHL, NUMBER or AMOUNT, SFAPI CompoundEmployee, OData API metadata, deduction_recurring_item, <deduction_recurring_item>, <payComponentCategory>NUMBER</payComponentCategory>, view V_ECPAO_FLD , KBA , LOD-EC-INT-EE , Employee Integration EC to ERP On Premise , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , LOD-SF-INT-ODATA , OData API Framework , LOD-SF-INT-SAP , Please use LOD-EC-INT* , LOD-SF-INT-CE , Compound Employee API , How To
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