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2795956 - SM12 does not list all locks


While accessing transaction SM12 (display lock table) when a huge number of application locks exist, a popup appears asking for user confirmation about whether or not all the locks should be listed. Upon user confirmation, the list of locks seen is incomplete, that is, does not match the number previously shown at the popup. At the bottom left corner, a much smaller value can be seen.

At the enqueue trace file "dev_enqwork", the following entries can be seen:

EnqAllocSnapshotPck info: out of snapshot packages
*** ERROR => EnqSendEntry: EnqAllocSnapshotPck() rtc = 8 [enxxhead.c 8958]



 SAP NetWeaver release independent;


SAP NetWeaver all versions


ENSA, standalone enqueue server, lock table , KBA , BC-CST-EQ , Enqueue , Problem

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