- You are extracting Organizational Data from SAP ERP to SFSF EC.
- You have created a Custom Entity on table ECPAO_ECTMPL for a given object.
- When you extract the given object, the Field Mapping information (View Cluster VC_ECPAO_MAP_OM) works for some of the fields, and the object is actually sent to EC either in the CSV file or through the WebService.
- However, the following issues occur for the extracted object:
- The corresponding mapping entry on table SFIOM_KMAP_OSI is created with field OSI_TYPE_CODE blank.
- The Navigation fields for the object are not extracted.
- The values for External Code, Start Date and End date are not extracted automatically. They are extracted if you explicitly map them in your Field Mapping, although this should not be necessary.
Organizational Data from SAP ERP HCM to Employee Central Using SAP Cloud Platform Integration as the Middleware
SuccessFactors Employee Central integration of SAP ERP master data 1210
Custom Employee Central Entity Template ECPAO_ECTMPL SFIOM_KMAP_OSI OSI_TYPE_CODE Navigation Field BIB Migration VC_ECPAO_MAP_OM , KBA , LOD-EC-INT-TLS , ERP On Premise to EC and EC-ERP Integration Tools , Problem
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