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2796222 - SAP RU-FI: Error "The VAT amount in customs declaration хххххх is incompatible with the tax code" in J3RFIMOPER


You use the Import Customs Declaration solution Russia. In transaction J3RFIMOPER, when posting VAT, fees and duty you get an error message "The VAT amount in customs declaration хххххх is incompatible with the tax code. Message No. J3RGTD249".
The values in documents differ, it looks like a rounding error in values, for example:
Base = 482.869,87
Vat 20% = 96.573,974
Vat amount in GTD = 96.573,98



  • SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP


SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions


Russia, Россия, Import Customs Declaration, GTD, imCD, грузовая таможенная декларация,  проводка пошлин и сборов,  решение по ГТД , KBA , FI-LOC-FI-RU , Russia , Problem

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