- You are trying to install IDM 8.0 with SWPM but it fails with the following error:
/usr/sap/trans/log_swpm/sapinst_instdir/IDM80/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/STD/validateComponents.lst -e stop -t 14400000 --host --port' aborts with return code 104. Error message is <b>'ValidationResult[isOfflinePhaseScheduled=false validationStatus=Error deploymentBatchItems=...
- When checking the sapinst.log and sapinst_dev.log, you can see the following error:
> SCA(s)
- [Admitted] : name: 'IDM_CLM_REST_API', vendor: '', name: 'IDMREST', vendor: '', name: 'IDMIC', vendor: '', name: 'IDMUI5', vendor: '',
- [PrerequisiteViolated] : name: 'IDMPORTALCONT', vendor: '',
> SDA(s)
- [Admitted] : name: 'idmdevstudio', vendor: '', name: 'tc~idm~rest~ear', vendor: '', name: 'tc~idm~wd~workflow', vendor: '', name: 'tc~idm~wd~model', vendor: '', name: 'tc~idm~jmx~rest~app', vendor: '', name: 'tc~idm~jmx~ump', vendor: '', name: 'tc~idm~jmx~app', vendor: '', name: 'tc~idm~ui5~ear', vendor: '',
- [PrerequisiteViolated] : name: 'tc~idm~uwl', vendor: '',
SAP Identity Management 8.0
Portal, UWL, component, IDM, SWPM , KBA , BC-IAM-IDM , Identity Management , BC-INS-SWPM , Installation with Software Provisioning Manager , Problem
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