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2797197 - SUM error: Deployment of SAP BPA BY REDWOOD fails with error code DPL.DBC.901 during Deploy Software Components step


While performing an upgrade of a NetWeaver JAVA system using Software Update Manager (SUM), that includes SAP CPS BY REDWOOD (ETPRJSCHEDULER) and SAP BPA BY REDWOOD in the stack XML, the following errors are observed:

  • In TroubleTicket_XX.LOG
An error occured during the execution of Deploy Software Components of action execute.
Service failed with the following message:
Could not update components.
For more information, see the log file /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/sdt/log/SUM/DEPLOY-COMPONENTS_XX.LOG.
Use the provided information to troubleshoot the problem. There might be a SAP note providing a solution to this problem. Search the SAP notes using the following search terms:
<DATE><TIME> [Error ]: [ERROR CODE DPL.DCAPI.1027] DeploymentException.
Reason: ASJ.dpl_dc.001085 Operation [deploy] of [redwood.com_scheduler-dblayer-sda] failed
<DATE><TIME>[Error ]: Deployment error. See log /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/sdt/log/SUM/deploy_api.0.log for details.
<DATE><TIME> [Info ]: Deployment message for component ETPRJSCHEDULER : Deployment of archive /sap/repo/LVM/Enterprise_LVM/ETPRJSCHEDULER33P_120-20007176.SCA for component aborted
Detailed message:
1. Already deployed component has version:1000.
2. Item is skipped because of failed deployment of item 'redwood.com_scheduler-dblayer-sda' and because the applied error strategy is OnErrorStop
3. Contains Aborted deployment component:
Deployment of archive /sap/repo/LVM/Enterprise_LVM/ETPRJSCHEDULER33P_120-20007176.SCA --> scheduler-dblayer-sda.sda for component aborted
Detailed message:
1. [ERROR CODE DPL.DBC.204] failed to deploy dbschemacontainer : scheduler-dblayer-sda.sda /usr/sap/<SID>/J00/j2ee/cluster/server0/temp/deploy/scheduler-dblayer-sda.sda1555242044054/scheduler-dblayer-sda.sda.
Return code from dictionary library is ERROR.
-> [ERROR CODE DPL.DBC.901] Deploy operation finished with ERROR code.
The following messages were collected by DBModificationController during deployment:
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Info: <<< Analyze table JCS_AHALTSRC0 >>>
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Info: JCS_AHALTSRC0 delete column A_XTRALINES
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Info: JCS_AHALTSRC0 delete column A_ENABLED
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Info: JCS_AHALTSRC0 delete column A_HIDDEN
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Info: Table JCS_AHALTSRC0 is empty
E R R O R ******* (DbTableModificationAnalyser dev 30.07.2013 13:00:00)
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Error: Table JCS_VIZPSQ0 could not be analysed
Deployment Options:
strong mode parameter is true

More details can be found in the trace and log files.
Create an OSS message in component: XX-PART-REDWOOD for support.
See Deploy Controller log /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/sdt/log/SUM/deploy_api.0.log for details.

Validation of deployment queue completed with error: Validation finished with error. See log <path>\SUM\sdt\log\SUM\deploy_api.0.log for details. Deployment of archive <path>\ETPRJSCHEDULER33P_120-20007176.SCA
for component is rejected because it does not pass the validation check. Deployment of archive <path>\ETPRJSCHEDULER33P_120-20007176.SCA --> scheduler-dblayer-sda.sda
for component is rejected because it does not pass the validation check.
Detailed message: 1. The component is met more than one time within the deployment batch. As it differs by its properties than the others same components into the batch,
the Deploy Controller cannot decide which one has to be deployed. Other sdu:name: [scheduler-dblayer-sda], vendor: [], location: [Redwood Software],
version: [1000.], software type: [JDDSCHEMA], csn component: [XX-PART-REDWOOD], dependencies: [[]], archive type: [DC]
Create an OSS message in component: XX-PART-REDWOOD for support.
  • In deploy_api.0.log:
<DATE><TIME> Error: Deployment Exception during deployment phase [DeploymentException], cause=[ASJ.dpl_dc.001085 Operation [deploy] of [redwood.com_scheduler-dblayer-sda] failed]
Apr 14, 2019 7:53:31 AM Error: Deployment Items status: [
E R R O R ******* (DbDeployConfig dev 30.07.2013 13:00:00)
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Error: Refuse due to drop column A_XTRALINES
E R R O R ******* (DbDeployConfig dev 30.07.2013 13:00:00)
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Error: Refuse due to drop column A_HIDDEN
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Info: ColumnsAction = REFUSE, IndexesAction = null, PrimaryKeyAction = null
E R R O R ******* (DbTableModificationAnalyser dev 30.07.2013 13:00:00)
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Error: Modification is refused for JCS_APPLICATION0 see note 1383461
E R R O R ******* (DbTableModificationAnalyser dev 30.07.2013 13:00:00)
<TIME> <DATE> dbs-Error: Stack trace: Modification is refused for JCS_APPLICATION0 see note 1383461



 Software Update Manager (SUM) for a JAVA System


CPS, BPA, REDWOOD, SUM, deploy, ETPRJSCHEDULER, stack xml, java, component-deploy-710,deploy-components,,class, deployment error,DPL.DBC.901, XX-PART-REDWOOD , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , XX-PART-REDWOOD-CPS , SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood , Problem

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