You have a custom screen scenario. You have entered some values in your custom Thing Inspector elements and click save.
You then receive a message: "No changes detected; Save not executed."
Note: You may also experience behavior such as a successful Save execution, but data is not persisted.
SAP Cloud for Customer
- SAP Business ByDesign
- SAP Cloud Applications Studio
Reproducing the Issue
You have created a custom screen scenario.
To Reproduce:
- Open your custom work center.
- Open the custom view.
- Open any instance in the OWL on the custom view.
- Click Edit.
- Make a change in any field and click save.
- Observe the message / behavior.
Message: No changes detected; Save not executed.
Behavior: Data is not saved in fields.
You have configured your screen so that changes to these fields are not considered as an edit to the instance. The responsible property is Work Protect Relevant. If this property is set to "False", then any change in these fields will not be considered during the final Window-Close check during the Save action.
You need to re-model your data model elements and set Work Protect Relevant property set to "True":
- Open the data model of the UI Component and select a data model element.
- In the Properties window, you will see the Work Protect Relevant property.
See Also
Refer to KBA: 3027679 - Data Change made by Custom UI Action not Saved
Work protect, save, not executed, UI, PDI, SDK, UI Designer, behaviour , KBA , AP-RC-UIF-DT , UI Framework Designtime , Problem