- While updating Support Package Manager (SPAM), the following error is encountered during DISASSEMBLE phase:
Import phase 'DISASSEMBLE' (04/25/2019, 10:06:47)
Signature verification not possible, SAP note 2520826 is not implemented
Disassemble OCS package SAPKD74071
R3trans data file /usr/sap/trans/data/RD74071.SAP does not exist
-> R3trans data file will be created
An error occurred while deleting file '/usr/sap/trans/data/RD74071.SAP ' on the application server
Error during disassembling the EPS parcel of OCS Package SAPKD74071: 'CANNOT_DETERMINE_DATA_FILES'
Interrupt the import due to an error situation (04/25/2019, 10:06:48)
Display detailed informations concerning the error in phase 'DISASSEMBLE'
The import was cancelled by the user
Abort the import due to an error situation (04/25/2019, 10:20:12)
- You have tried to manually disassemble the package via SPAM -> Utilities-> Disassemble Support Packages and encounter a similar error:
An error occurred while deleting file '/usr/sap/trans/data/RD74071.SAP ' on the application server
- Checking on directory /usr/sap/trans/data/, you see that the mentioned file RD74071.SAP does not exist
Note: the OCS Package and .SAP file will differ depending on the SPAM version being updated
Support Package Manager (SPAM)
PAT SEPS , KBA , BC-UPG-OCS , Online Corr. Support (Tools:Supp.-Pack., Addon Install/Upgr) , Problem
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