When are the Jam task reminder notifications sent?
SAP Jam Collaboration
There are two kinds of Task reminder emails->
- Emails having subject line in the format- "This is your reminder that task [Task Name] is due on [Date]".
These are reminders sent on the basis of the notification frequency chosen by the task creator. They are sent at the following times, depending on the chosen frequency-> - Daily- 12:00 PM UTC
- Weekly- 09:00 AM UTC, every Sunday
- Monthly- 12:00 AM UTC, on the first day of the month
- Emails having subject line in the format- "The task [Task Name] is almost due".
These reminders are sent about one day before the task due date. Their dispatch times are based on a combination of factors, like due at time, time zone etc. and hence, will vary from case to case.
Jam task email, Task reminder, Reminder email, Task Email timing , KBA , LOD-SF-JAM-TSK , Task Issues , Problem
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