- You are receiving one of the following errors: "Assignment of usage AD_DEFAULT to communication type TEL not unique" or "Assignment of usage AD_MBDEFAU to communication type TEL not unique" or "Assignment of usage AD_HOME to communication type TEL not unique"
- The communication type can be different depending on the affected communication type, e.g. for email addresses the message could be "Assignment of usage AD_DEFAULT to communication type INT not unique". Similar for FAX, PAG, PRN, etc.
- This can come in may different scenarios, e.g. when editing the communication type for an address or when transferring address communication details.
- SAP Netweaver
- SAP_BASIS independent
Assignment of usage, to communication type, not unique, Assignment of usage AD_MBDEFAU to communication type TEL not unique, Assignment of usage AD_HOME to communication type TEL not unique, SR053, AM605 , KBA , BC-SRV-ADR , Address Management / Business Address Services , Problem
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