How to schedule an outbound Integration Center job to execute multiple times per day.
Note: this feature is only available for outbound integrations.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- Integration Center
Step 1:
Enable the Time-Based Filters in the "Filter and Sort" tab (this is a prerequisite).
Note: without enabling the Time-Based Filters, the option for multiple executions per day cannot be selected from the dropdown, returning the message below:
Step 2:
Go to "Scheduling" tab, choose "Multiple Executions Per Day" and configure it according to your requirements:
Explaining each configuration field:
- The field "Every" is the frequency of the executions. You can only choose every 1 hour or every 2 hours.
- "Number of times" is the amount of times the integration will be executed each day. Minimum is 3 times, maximum is 12 times.
- "Start Time" is the time that the first execution of the day will run.
So, for example, taking the sample from the screenshot above: the integration will be executed every hour for 3 times, starting at 09:16 PM. So this would be its schedule:
- 1st run: 09:16 PM
- 2nd run: 10:16 PM
- 3rd run: 11:16 PM
Note 1: You can only have 5 Integration Center jobs with this type of schedule in your SuccessFactors instance and this limit can't be changed. This is the intended design of the application and there are no plans to change it. Should you have a strong business requirement for more, please submit an enhancement request via our Influence channel: 2090228 - How to Submit Ideas for SAP SuccessFactors Products
Note 2: This does not apply to IC jobs triggered by Intelligent Services Center (ISC), since these are event-based, there is no limit.
See Also
multiple runs per day, integration center multiple runs, modified since query mode, limit, limitation, multiple executions per day, every, hour, , KBA , multiple schedules per day integration c , multiple schedules per day , run multiple times integration in succes , integration center multiple executions , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , How To