You are trying to use the Argentina Tax Reporting (RPFIGLAR_TAXREPORTING) report, and the values are not being correctly categorized at the columns of the ALV output.
SAP ERP all versions
FIARV_TAXID, Tax Class, Classes, Process, Tax ID, Tax Code, MWSKZ, KTOSL, J_1ATAXID, J_1ARFZ
Category | Description | Column | 0% IVA Reason |
EP01 | ET Customs Perception | Amount of perceptions or other payments on behalf of national taxes | |
GP00 | GI Perception | Gross income perception amount | |
IT01 | Internal Purchase Tax | Internal tax amount | |
MP01 | Municipal Perception | Municipal tax amount | |
NC01 | VAT Perception Not Categorize | Perceptions for non-categorized persons | |
OT01 | Other Taxes | Other taxes | |
PN01 | Earning Perception | Amount of perceptions or other payments on behalf of national taxes | |
TX01 | Output Tax | Taxable amount/determined Tax | |
TX01 | Output Tax + E | Exempted operation amount | E |
TX01 | Output Tax + N | Total amount of concepts that do not integrate the taxed net price | N |
TX01 | Output Tax + X | Exempted operation amount | X |
TX01 | Output Tax + Z | Exempted operation amount | Z |
VL01 | VAT Liberation for no credit | Exempted operation amount | |
VN01 | VAT Not Taxable | Total amount of concepts that do not integrate the taxed net price | N |
VP01 | VAT Perception | Amount of perceptions or other payments on behalf of national taxes | |
VS01 | VAT Surcharge | Perceptions for non-categorized persons |
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