- The space where the IQ server resides reach 100% and IQ crashed:
The server now comes up, but recieve messages:
TxnVer 1022534022 1022534023
{329} main Bufman: Incorrect page header read; from slib/s_trycatch.cxx:2956 into buffer 112c57470
{329} expected: btype=14,pbn=97632277,txn=1017902687,sp=299,nlb=16,npb=16,iscmp=0,uid=28628907,blk=97632277,mn=9594760,upmn=9594760,flgs=0x80000008
{329} head: btype=1032,pbn=16068907242797954051,txn=4324304509277765855,sp=3751975,nlb=16526,npb=40868,iscmp=0,ctr=31,cta=0,ver=172,pb=135,pus=35645
{329} buffer: 0x0408408e9fa41f00df003a0027ac74033c03040a401f00df00394027ac878b3d
{329} Expected Pad1: 21 (0x15), Pad2: 55211 (0xd7ab)
{329} Got Pad1: 135 (0x87), Pad2: 35645 (0x8b3d)
** slib/s_trycatch.cxx:2956
** Current command: CURSOR ACTIVE
** Command text:
- Tried to run the sp_iqcheckdb 'dropleaks database' and sp_iqcheckdb
Exception Thrown from slib/s_blockmap.cxx:6360, Err# 0, tid 13 origtid 13
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2100 (s_corruptdiskblkhdrexception); SQLCode: -1009039, SQLState: 'QSA39', Severity: 14
main Bufman: An error was detected on a database page. You may have a damaged index. For additional information, please check your IQ message file or run sp_iqcheckdb.3. Tried to run the sp_iqcheckdb 'consistency check';
SAP IQ 16.0
KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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