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2800138 - Out of Memory with Allocation Failure Type OPERATING_SYSTEM_LIMIT


  • An out of memory event happened in the HANA database and an oom trace file was created containing the information below:
    [MEMORY_OOM] Information about current out of memory situation: (<timestamp>)
    OUT OF MEMORY occurred.
    Host: <hosrname>
    Executable: <servicename>
    PID: <pid>
    Failed to allocate <memoryvalue>
Allocation failure type: OPERATING_SYSTEM_LIMIT 
  • The oom trace file also contains the messages below:
Could not return Xb to operating system.
This is a configuration problem of your operating system:
Please increase /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count
At most one OOM dump is written in approximately Xs.
65530 <--- this is far too low
  • You also see the following messages in the traces of the HANA service that reported the out of memory event:
<timestamp> e Memory MallocProxy.cpp(02006) : mmap(<...>) failed.12 (Cannot allocate memory)
<timestamp> e Memory Precharge.cpp(00162) : memAllocSystemPages failed with rc=12, 12 (Cannot allocate memory)
  • You could also get an error similar to: 
    SQL submitted to ODBC data source <HANA SID> resulted in error <[SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB SO][HDBODBC] General error;2048 column
    store error: search table error: [9] Memory allocation failed;exception 1000002: Allocation failed ; $size$=25315874691;
    $name$=Pool/JoinEvaluator; $type$=pool; $inuse_count$=16; $allocated_size$=27891692375; $alignment$=8;
  • The OOM dump files:

Show that the sum of U (used memory) is signifcantly smaller than the total allocation limit under AB (allocated bytes) for that specific service. For example the indexserver nodes of a HANA system here :

[13] PID=149687 (state=S), SId=121674146, compactors active, alive, process name: hdbindexserver
AB=72.48gb (77832671232b), UA=0b, U=8.61gb (9252275735b), FSL=1.12gb (1207959552b), FMC=512mb (536870912b), SMAS=101.21gb (108682178560b), SMDS=28.56gb (30676598784b), PAL=2.21tb (2439313883136b), TPAL=72.59gb (77949612032b), W=100

[15] PID=596823 (state=R), SId=121674148, compactors active, alive, process name: hdbindexserver
AB=1.10tb (1220820975616b), UA=0b, U=574.47gb (616837124628b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b, SMAS=10.27tb (11296726528000b), SMDS=9.16tb (10075732643840b), PAL=2.21tb (2439313883136b), TPAL=2.18tb (2402562605056b), W=100

  • BW DSO activation fails with below errors:
    "Message text transaction rolled back by an internal error: fail ed to activate dso with persisted changelog:  [410 02] column store error and "Message text Serious error occurred: column store error: search table error:  [2999] general error (no further information available) at ptim" 



SAP HANA, platform edition


SAP HANA, platform edition all versions


SAP HANA, platform edition, sap_hana, database, db, saphana, oom, out-of-memory, out-memory, out memory, operating_system_limit, rc=12, hdbindexserver, hdbscriptserver, hdbnameserver, hdbcompileserver, allocationlimit, global_allocation_limit, memorymanager, max_map_count , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG , SAP HANA DB Engines , Problem

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