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2800346 - Consulting: Handling of fields with conversion exits in AMDP routines


Under certain circumstances when fields with conversion exit PERI6, ALPHA, NUMC, NUMCV, GJAHR, PERI7, SNUMC is calculated in an AMDP routine, the created value does not fit to the pre-requisites of the corresponding internal format/ABAP data type. This usually happens, when such fields are calculated from source fields, which have a different type or the used function returns the result in a different type and format than the target field.

For example if a HANA function is used, for which the result is returned as an integer, then the result in a NUMC field will not include the leading zeroes. Example AMDP Code in a field routine:

Example AMDP code in an endroutine or expert routine:

In this example the field /BIC/SZRDAGE is of type NUMC with a length of 5 and the output of YEARS_BETWEEN is an integer number. When the result of the function is '8', then this value will be written to /BIC/SZRDAGE. This however is wrong, since the proper value for this NUMC field would be '00008'. This then leads to further errors during the SID generation:

  • BRAIN 019 Value '&' of characteristic & is not a number with & spaces



  • SAP NetWeaver 7.50


SAP BW/4HANA all versions ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5


BRAIN019, BRAIN 019 , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-TRF , Transformation , BW4-HAP , HANA Analysis Process , BW-WHM-DST-HAP , HANA Analysis Process , BW4-DM-TRFN , SAP HANA execution in Transformation and DTP , Problem

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