Under certain circumstances when fields with conversion exit PERI6, ALPHA, NUMC, NUMCV, GJAHR, PERI7, SNUMC is calculated in an AMDP routine, the created value does not fit to the pre-requisites of the corresponding internal format/ABAP data type. This usually happens, when such fields are calculated from source fields, which have a different type or the used function returns the result in a different type and format than the target field.
For example if a HANA function is used, for which the result is returned as an integer, then the result in a NUMC field will not include the leading zeroes. Example AMDP Code in a field routine:
Example AMDP code in an endroutine or expert routine:
In this example the field /BIC/SZRDAGE is of type NUMC with a length of 5 and the output of YEARS_BETWEEN is an integer number. When the result of the function is '8', then this value will be written to /BIC/SZRDAGE. This however is wrong, since the proper value for this NUMC field would be '00008'. This then leads to further errors during the SID generation:
- BRAIN 019 Value '&' of characteristic & is not a number with & spaces
- SAP NetWeaver 7.50
BRAIN019, BRAIN 019 , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-TRF , Transformation , BW4-HAP , HANA Analysis Process , BW-WHM-DST-HAP , HANA Analysis Process , BW4-DM-TRFN , SAP HANA execution in Transformation and DTP , Problem
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