SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2800494 - Recurring Invoice Requests are Duplicated


You cancel a recurring invoice template and release it again.

It creates double recurring invoice reqeusts.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to the Customer Invoicing workcenter.
  2. Select the Recurring Invoice Templates view.
  3. Select Recurring Invoice Template ABC (ABC represents the Recurring Invoice Template ID).
  4. Click on Cancel Release.
  5. Open Recurring Invoice Template ABC.
  6. Click on Release.

For some dates in the recurrence template you can now find duplicate Invoice Requests.


  • During Cancellation of a Recurring Invoice Template, system cancels all open invoice requests from the current date onward.
  • During re-release all invoice requests are created post the last invoiced invoice request from the recurring invoice template.
  • If you have to be Invoiced invoice requests for past dates open, those are duplicated during this process.


You can cancel the duplicate invoice requests manually.

  1. Navigate to the Customer Invoicing workcenter.
  2. Select the Invoice Request view.
  3. Filter for Recurring Invoice Template Invoice Requests.
  4. Select the duplicate invoice reqeusts.
  5. Click on cancel.


Wiederkehrende Rechnungsanforderung, Doppelte Einträge, Stornieren, Freigeben, Recurring Invoice Templates, Double Entries, Cancel, Release , KBA , AP-CI-CI , Customer Invoice , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 1905 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1908 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1911