- When Nbit is converted to Flat FP, "IQ Internal error" is raised.
I. 05/09 18:58:01. 0000008459 Informational: Index Cardinality Exceeded Converting index to flat:
I. 05/09 18:58:01. 0000008459 Owner Name : prd
I. 05/09 18:58:01. 0000008459 Table Name : Table_Name
I. 05/09 18:58:01. 0000008459 Column Name: Col_name
I. 05/09 18:58:01. 0000008459 Index Name : User.Table_Name.ASIQ_IDX_T16766_C2_FP
I. 05/09 18:58:01. 0000008459 Token Count: 59
I. 05/09 18:58:01. 0000008459 Token Limit: 58
I. 05/09 18:58:01. 0000008459 Exception Thrown from slib/s_dpstore.cxx:4745, Err# 2, tid 2125 origtid 2125
I. 05/09 18:58:01. 0000008459 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 533 (hos_assertexception); SQLCode: -1006000, SQLState: 'QBA00', Severity: 23
I. 05/09 18:58:01. 0000008459 [20238]: IQ Internal error. Please report this to SAP IQ support.
-- (slib/s_dpstore.cxx 4745)
- sp_iqcheckfpconsistency returns no error
- sp_iqcheckdb verify on the table returns no error
- IQ UNIQUE values are defined as 0
- The following options are set:
FP_NBIT_Autosize_Limit ='0'
FP_NBIT_Enforce_Limits =ON
FP_Prefetch_Size = 10
SAP IQ 16.0 SP11 PL22
CR819447 ; CR#819447 ; 819447; "SQLCode: -1006000" ; "Index Cardinality Exceeded Converting index to flat:" ; Cardinality ; Exceeded ; Converting ; flat ; FP ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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