- The team have deployed SAP Work Manager (WM) in our Agentry Cloud Edition (ACE) server and the Mobile Add-on for ERP in our SAP ECC box
- The team also has an SAP Cloud Connector configured between the SAP Cloud Platform (SCP) and SAP ECC, with data flowing between the two systems
- The SAP WM app is configured to connect to the standard SAP application in the Config Panel: SAP_METER_MANAGEMENT_23
- The SAP WM Client is presenting an error message when it connects to the ACE application:
“No backends loaded. Please check server startup logs” - We find errors in the SAP ECC backend system via SAP transaction SLG1.
Error 1:
@5C\QError@ 03.05.2019 11:04:17 - /SYCLO/CX_CORE_FRAMEWORK:Framework setting is invalid
@5C\QError@ 03.05.2019 11:04:17 - /SYCLO/CX_CORE_RFC_OO_DATA:An exception was raised. - Error 2 from logs:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Start here~~~~~~~~~~~
5.3.2019 11:04:17 - Entering method ~ CHECK_SYSTEM_AUTHORIZATION...
5.3.2019 11:04:17 - /SYCLO/CX_CORE_FRAMEWORK:Framework setting is invalid
5.3.2019 11:04:17 - /SYCLO/CX_CORE_RFC_OO_DATA:An exception was raised.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Error 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - In another similar case, the issues were resolved with: SAP KBA 2132346 and 2590346, however these solutions did not work
- The app name in the JavaBE and in the ConfigPanel match (one of the recommended solution)
- The connection between ACE and SAP ECC is working
- The team also applied a solution that worked previously, by reactivating the BC Set (KBA 2770175), but it did not work
- SMFND - 630_740 SP02
- SMERP - 630_740 SP02
- SMISU - 630_740 SP02
- SAP Work Manager (SAPWM) 6.5.5
- SAP Meter Management 2.3 (Released under SAPWM 6.5)
"/SYCLO/CX_CORE_FRAMEWORK:Framework setting is invalid","/SYCLO/CX_CORE_RFC_OO_DATA:An exception was raised.","SAP Meter Management 2.3 No Backend loaded","No backend loaded","SAP Work Manager ACE","Ace Cloud Edition Work Manager No Backend Loaded","No backends loaded. Please check server startup logs" , KBA , MOB-APP-MAO , Mobile Application Integration Framework , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , Problem
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