- You migrate Fixed Assets with the Migration of Accounting Transaction Data activity using the default migration template of migration of fixed assets.
- You migrate Fixed Assets for Company ABC (ABC represents the Company ID and name).
- Company ABC is assigned to two (or more) Set of Books DEF and GHI (DEF and GHI represents the IDs of two separate Set of Books).
- For both Set of Books multiple valuation views are defined, DEF-1 and DEF-2 and GHI-1 and GHI 2.
- Set of Books DEF is marked as Default Set of Books.
- In the migration template you maintain Depreciation Method XYZ for Fixed Asset KLM (KLM represents the Fixed Asset ID). You expect that this Depreciation Method will be maintained for all valuation views of the Company's Set of Books.
- After the migration you notice that Depreciation Method XYZ is not maintained for all valuation views of Fixed Asset ABC. It is only defined for Valuation View DEF-1.
SAP Business ByDesign
SAP Business ByDesign all versions
fixed asset migration, depreciation method wrong for valuation view, default migration template, fixed asset classes , KBA , useful life year , nutzungsdauer , SRD-FIN-FA , Fixed Assets , Problem
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