You have executed a business partner merge in Cloud for Customer and noticed that, upon its completion, you have been assigned as employee responsible for the sales documents of the accounts involved in the merge.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Customers work center.
- Access the Accounts work center view.
- Select two accounts by clicking one and then clicking another while holding the Ctrl key.
- Click the Initiate Merge button.
- In the popup, review the selected accounts, then click Save and Open.
- In the next screen, click Edit.
- Use the checkboxes to select which will be the master (surviving) record and what information should be carried over from each one into the surviving record.
- Save the selection, then click Actions > Initiate Merge.
This happens due to determination rules maintained in the Involved Parties section of fine-tuning activities related to the sales documents.
Some determination settings will make it so that the user editing a sales document will automatically take over as Owner of it. This behavior happens when the change is done in the UI, but the same principle applies to the Business Partner merge — as the user executing the merge is essentially changing data in the sales document, the determination rule is triggered.
Please review the determination settings for the sales documents affected and change them if appropriate:
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Select the Overview work center.
- Search for a fine-tuning activity for the affect sales document (for example, Sales Quotes).
- Open the activity, then click Maintain Involved Parties.
- In the new screen, select the party — in this case, Owner — and click the button Maintain Determinations.
Changed Owner, Business Partner Merge, Sales Document, Change Employee Responsible, Party Determination , KBA , changed owner , sales document , business partner merge , party determination , change employee responsible , LOD-LE-BP-MRG , Business Partner Merge , How To