The format of the payment file created for an Outbound File is .TXT.
You expect the format to be .XML.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Liquidity Management work center.
- Go to the Outbound Files subview in the File Management view.
- Search for Outbound File ABC (ABC is the Outbound file ID) and select it.
The status is confirmed.
- Click the ID to open it.
- Navigate to the Attachment tab.
The payment file is of type .TXT
- Click the Display Log button.
The Application Log ID is DEF (DEF is the application log ID).
The Results originate from Payment File Register.
- Navigate to the File Content tab.
The Status is Green.
The description is " Document ID GHI , payment of NN,NN EUR to NAME , Ihre Spesenabrechnung JKL Ihre Spesenabrechnung ".
(GHI is the document ID ; NN,NN is the amount in currency Euro; NAME is the name of the person/ supplier/ customer; JKL is the expense report ID; MNO is another expense report ID)
There are two reasons:
- You have activated Domestic payment/ transfer and have not maintained all the required bank data which is necessary for SEPA.
- The Payment File format is not one of the following:
SEPA_CT, SEPA_Direct_Debit_File, Swiss_ISO_20022_Payment_Format, ISO_20022_Payment_Format, Check_File JP_XML_DOMESTIC_PAYMENT_FORMAT.
For all other file formats like DE DTAUS0 Domestic Payment the file created would be .TXT format.
- You need to maintain the required bank data necessary for SEPA.
You can check this as follows:
- Go to the Payables work center.
- Go to the Automatic Payments view.
- Search and select Payment proposal GHI created for Payee NAME.
The Status is Completed.
- Click the ID to open the same.
- Click View All.
There is a warning message: "IBAN required for country DE to support SEPA payments."
- Navigate to the Document Flow tab.
- The Bank Payment Order is GHI.
- Click the same to open it.
The Payment Medium Format Code is DE DTAUS0 Domestic Payment.
The Payment Method is Domestic bank transfer.
Under Payee Data: Payee is NAME.
IBAN is missing.
Complete the required details in the Payee's bank data to solve the issue.
- You have maintained the correct bank details, but the file created is still in .TXT format.
In this case, there are different or many Payment Medium Format Codes maintained under your Bank's Payment Method.
You can check this as follows:
- Go to the Liquidity Management work center.
- Go to the My Banks subview in the Master Data view.
- Search and select Bank MNO (MNO is the Bank ID).
- Click Edit General.
- Navigate to the Payment Formats tab.
Apart from SEPA, there are other Payment Medium Format Codes like DE DTAUS0 Domestic Payment maintained.
According to KBA 1882049, it is recommended to maintain only one of the major payment formats for each bank account (SEPA only instead of DTAUS and SEPA).
See Also
1882049 Modification of Payment Method and File Format for a Bank Account
Ausgehende überweisung; Outbound file; Zahlung; Spesenabrechnung; Expense report; Payment, Bank payment order; SEPA; DTAUS; .xml; .txt; payment file , KBA , SRD-FIN-CLM , Cash and Liquity Managment , How To