Why is RCM_REMOVE_PII_CLIENT_JOB fails prior to b1905 and what is the purpose of this Job?
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go to Provisioning > Monitor Jobs
2. Then select RCM_REMOVE_PII_CLIENT_JOB from Job Type
RCM_REMOVE_PII_CLIENT_JOB caused confusion due to that this job is always has the status Failed.
This job was scheduled to identify the candidates which were marked for deletion but for somehow failed to be deleted from the system fully ( from RMK).
The failure of this job DOESN NOT mean that data will not be deleted from RMK when candidate requests for his profile to be purged.
IT only means that in case a failure happens while profile is being deleted (RARE scenario ) then retries to delete this data from RMK will not occur until we correct this job owner
The fix was included on the deployment of b1905.
See Also
RCM_REMOVE_PII_CLIENT_JOB, Monitor Jobs , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-SYS , System Performance, Usability, Errors, Security , Problem