You are replicating data for a Japanese employee from SuccessFactors Employee Central to Employee Central Payroll.
Infotype 0021 fields such as Kana, Kanji or Romaji names are not properly filled during the replication.
- PTP Replication
- SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll
PA0021, P0021, 0148, PA0148, P0148, kana, romaji, name, first, last, p2p, ptp, employee, central, payroll, ec payroll, dependent, family, member, kananame, kanjiname, romajiname, favor, RH_HRSFEC_PTP_EE_REPLICATION , KBA , LOD-EC-GCP-PY-GLO , Globalization , LOD-EC-GCP-PY , Payroll Integration EC to Employee Central Payroll , Problem
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